Hello Fellow Writers!
So yesterday I brought my word count up to 4,272 words. That means I didn't beat my November 1st word count, but I did at least write more than the required 1,667 daily words. Not going back to reread and edit is very difficult for me!
For those of you struggling with plot ideas, I found this fun website called Hatch's Plot Bank that offers a bunch of random ideas. Use what works and toss what doesn't.
Here are the first thirty ideas, but go to the website because there are literally hundreds of them. Who knows, when you get stuck one of these might spark a new idea for you.
1 surprised the circus sideshow is a letdown
2 cousin defers college for a traveling puppet show
3 babysitter allowed kids to watch spicy music videos
4 corporate credit card frozen - stranded!
5 passed by for job that was a done deal
6 accused of unfair business practices in town
7 decides to have an alias for some odd reasons
8 starts assuming the role of a dead sibling
9 housewife gets a book deal out of the blue
10 budget tax preparer makes a massive error
11 friend of a friend wants investment capital
12 trip to state capital - meets a famous senator
13 ancient oak on family homestead is dying
14 one of the farm kittens is half bobcat!
15 cousin is burned badly in amateur drag race
16 grandma's old Bible is ruined in flash flood
17 you don't buy $200 shoes when kids go without!
18 his old batchelor ways are really a bit charming
19 the bank calls - the big check has bounced
20 the business can't afford such a massive machine
21 cousin Betsy isn't taking care of loaned car
22 she says it was just ONE film - to pay tuition
23 country walk does good - idea for new book
24 determined to shut down rip-off roadside stand
25 the fumes from the new asphalt are too much
26 friend complains about son's black pals
27 she left her purse in the back of the pickup!
28 dad wired the house himself - with extension cord!
29 hotel receipts are found and prove difficult to explain
30 ice storm forces inlaws to share house for days
Today DH is working late again so if the baby cooperates I will be trying to up my word count. I find that it's fun to set an alarm for ten minutes and see how many words I can write in that amount of time, and then to try and beat my own score.
Wish me luck, and good luck to you too!
Yours Truly,
Shoshanna Evers
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