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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mentioned in USA Today!

Hello Fellow Writers!

What a thrill I had recently, when I saw my first non-fiction reference book, How to Write Hot Sex: Tips from Multi-Published Romance Authors, had been mentioned in USA Today!

One of the contributors to the book (twelve authors, myself included, contributed essays, and I edited them), Desiree Holt, was interviewed in USA Today, and she was asked if erotica was just about sex.

She answered: "There's an anthology just out, How to Write Hot Sex, in which I join 11 other authors in discussing just this subject. Everyone must want to know, because it zoomed to No. 1 in Kindle/Authorship in the first 24 hours."

And the book remains on the Authorship Bestseller list, thanks to our amazing readers.

How to Write Hot Sex: Tips from Multi-Published Erotic Romance Authors is available now for only $4.99 from Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.com.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How Important is the Beginning of Your Mss?

Hello Fellow Writers!
How important is the beginning of your manuscript? Pretty darn important. If the opening doesn't grab the editor or agent (or reader), then you can forget about them discovering the amazing ending of the book - because they'll just send you a form rejection. On the other hand, if the opening is fabulous, then you've got the reader hooked, and she'll keep reading!

If you keep getting form rejections on your manuscript, don't you want to know *why*? How would you like an unbiased critique from three writers (including *at least* one published author)? My local RWA chapter is holding a fabulous contest that's only $10 - totally worth it (especially since the top five are ranked by Harlequin Editor Brenda Chin!)
The 26th Annual Hudson Valley RWA Hook, Line & Sinker Contest is now accepting entries!

Deadline is November 1, 2011.

Enter the 1st 3 pages of your MS and see if you have what it takes to hook an editor or agent.

$10 for each entry.

Entries will be judged by published authors and experienced critiquers. Finalists will be judged by Harlequin Editor Brenda Chin.
For more information and entry form:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

RomantiCon 2011 was *Awesome*

Hello Fellow Writers!

Just got back from the Ellora's Cave romantic erotica convention RomantiCon, where I spent Thursday night though Monday morning connecting with my readers and fellow Ellora's Cave authors - as well as taking every opportunity possible to grab a photo with my favorite male cover model, Caveman Angelo ;)

The Book Fair was a lot of fun too - thank you to my readers for buying out my stack of books! If you didn't get a chance to buy my trade paperback Bound to Be Naughty, you can always buy it at Ellora's Cave here or Amazon, B&N, etc.

On Saturday night we had the Future party and I attempted a retro-futuristic costume, so if you're wondering why I look like a Jetson, that's why. I also dressed like a cavewoman for the Stone Age party. I haz school (publisher?) spirit! Woot! *shakes pom-poms*

At the Future party they handed out awards, and apparently I sat at a lucky table because even though they didn't give out a ton of awards, half of the people at my table, myself included, won "Superstar 2011" awards. My author friends write some damn hot books!  My award was for my erotic romance novella Ginger Snap.