Hello Fellow Writers!
Happy New Year! I can't believe that it's 2010 already. Feels like we should have flying cars or something by now, right?
I finished reading "Mistress of the Art of Death" by Ariana Franklin. It was wonderful! I also finished writing my story that I will be submitting to Ellora's Cave for their "Alluring Arts" theme, due January 31st. After I finished (it's 11k words) I took a couple days off so I could look at it again with a fresh eye. I reworked a couple of things, and now I just have to send it to my critique partners.
"The Art Thief's Punishment" is an erotic romance, so I find myself getting a bit shy at the idea of people reading it and thinking it's a peek into my bedroom, when in actuality it's a peek into the bedroom of the hero and heroine. Since it's targeted for Ellora's Cave, it's more than a peek... the bedroom door has been blown off it's hinges!
2009 was a big year for me. I started this blog. I revised a romance novel and submitted a query letter to Harlequin about it (still waiting on that response, I'll keep you posted). I wrote a second romance novel and revised it. I wrote a short story that I plan on submitting this month. And I sent a spec advice column to a new newspaper and they liked it!
For the New Year, my resolution is to keep writing 1000 words a day (although I find that when I'm into it, I end up writing more) and - and this is the hard part for me - submit my writing for publication. It's hard for me because I've always written things and then hidden them away. The thought of opening myself up to rejection is scary, but I know if I want to be published then I need to actually send my stuff out there.
What are your resolutions? Will you take a writing class? Will you start (or finish) your novel? Will you try to find a literary agent? Let me know!
Wish me luck, and good luck to you too!
Yours Truly,
Shoshanna Evers
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